
19 Dec 2012

Marks & Spencer Turkey, Stuffing & Cranberry Crisps Review

Don't these look cute? I love the bright red snowy packaging and little robin on the front, it's very festive. My expectations are always quite high with Marks & Spencer and I had no doubt that these Turkey, Stuffing & Cranberry crisps would be an improvement on the other Christmas crisps I tried recently (from Tesco).

Straight out of the packet I could see that these M&S crisps looked fantastic; there were no over baked or limp looking crisps here. The colour is invitingly golden, with a visibly abundant sprinkling of seasoning.

The initial flavour was very good, they had a rich meaty taste. The stuffing flavour was delicious too, there was lots of herb flavour coming through and quite a lot of onion too. In fact I would say the onion flavour was particularly dominant in these crisps and left a lingering aftertaste. 

Unfortunately there wasn't any cranberry flavour that I could detect, which is only a problem because M&S include the words "& Cranberry" in the product's name. I can't even say that there was an underlying sweetness to the flavour as the crisps are predominantly salty and meaty. However, as a simple roast turkey and stuffing flavour they were delicious.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Marks & Spencer Turkey, Stuffing & Cranberry Crisps

RATING: 8 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes, it's Christmas - time to ditch non-festive crisp flavours!
Nutrition: 205 calories,
2.2g protein, 22.0g carbohydrate (1.6g sugars), 11.6g fat.
Purchased: Marks & Spencer.
Price: £0.55p for a 40g bag.


  1. Yum! The lovely star bowl strikes again! hehe

    1. Thanks Jo! I have this star bowl in green and red too! I'll try to dig them out too :D

  2. I am not really keen on Turkey, I don't dislike it, it just does nothing for me and that has put me off most of Turkey flavoured crisps about at the moment. However I DO like cranberries and stuffing and your description makes them sound really nice so I may have to try these! Great review and glad to see the star shaped bowls are still out in force!

    1. These were a bit light on the cranberry (virtually non-existant) but the stuffing flavour was good!

      I know what you mean about turkey, I only eat it once a year, but for some reason I love Christmas dinner inspired food... crisps, sandwiches etc. It gets me in the Christmas spirit lol

  3. That's christmas dinner sorted then! Lol.

    I have a star bowl similar to yours Katherine, but it has a gold finish. I bought it in a discount store years ago, but rarely use it as it looks a bit tacky. Yours is much nicer :)

    1. Ah thanks for all the star bowl love :D

      I bought them a few years ago in Portugal and lugged them back in my hand luggage... then later that same year, TK Maxx was full of star shaped ceramics from Portugal! I was so annoyed lol

  4. Have to say they do look rather scrummy! I did see them the other day in my local bp/m&s and they did look tempting but I am kind of against things that are only around for a short period. I'm one of those people who if I like something - I want it lol!

    1. Thanks Emma! As you can probably tell from my heading, I LOVE anything that is "limited edition" - but I agree it can be very annoying if it turns out that I really like it and want it to stay!

  5. That's a really interesting flavor! I would definitely have to try it if it were available in the US. Too bad about the lack of cranberry, though.

    1. Hi, thank you for commenting :)

      We do get a lot of "roast turkey" themed crisps at this time of year in the UK! I'm making the most of them ;)


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