
12 Jun 2013

New The Laughing Cow Light with Blue Cheese & Emmental

The Laughing Cow range of cheese, famous for their triangles, have long been a favourite of kids and anyone looking to enjoy a lighter calorie cheese. These new flavours from The Laughing Cow have some of the delicious flavour of traditional Emmental and blue cheeses but only 25 calories in each triangle and 52% less fat than Laughing Cow Original.

I mainly buy Laughing Cow cheeses for my children but I wasn't sure how they would react to these new flavours. Luckily as soon as they hit the Grocery Gems household they were both extremely eager to give them a try - and so was I!

The Laughing cow with Emmental looks exactly like a regular Laughing Cow cheese, a perfectly squidgy triangle shape (the above photo shows the cheese before I smooshed it all down with a knife!). The flavour is very similar too but with a much cheesier flavour because of the Emmental. It's smooth and creamy and I have to admit I prefer this flavour to the standard Laughing Cow cheese. Both my kids adored the flavour too - success!

The Laughing Cow with Blue Cheese has a slightly softer texture, as you can see in the photo, but don't worry there are no blue mouldy bits to be seen! It does however have the flavour of a blue cheese, albeit in a more subtle and less pungent way! The creaminess of the base combined with the stronger blue cheese flavour made this taste quite similar to a flavourful Camembert, which is one of my favourite cheeses. I have to admit I loved this triangle and I really didn't expect to enjoy it so much! For 25 calories this is an absolute treat and one that I'll be making sure is always stocked in the fridge.

I loved these new additions to The Laughing Cow cheese and they've definitely made me look at the range in a new light. They're especially perfect for anyone watching the calories who still wants a great cheesey flavour.

Grocery Gems Verdict: The Laughing Cow Light with Blue Cheese & with Emmental

RATING: 9 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Absolutely!.
Nutrition (per triangle): 25 calories, 1.5g fat. 
Vegetarian: Suitable for vegetarians.
Purchased: Available at most supermarkets.
Price: £1.25p.

PR Samples sent for an honest review.


  1. Oooh i'm so glad you reviewed these.... Laughing Cow (original) cheese spread are a staple in my fridge, I love them. But I was a little dubious about buying these as wasn't sure if i'd like them in soft cheese form but now you've given them the thumbs up I cant wait to go get some! :)

    1. Thanks Jo! I was VERY impressed with these new flavours. They're still similar to the original Laughing Cow cheese but taste even nicer, so I'm sure you'll like them. Let me know how you get on! :)


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