
22 Aug 2014

New Walkers Cheesy Beans on Toast

I'll admit I wasn't sure if I even wanted to try these when I first saw the flavour. It reminds me of the Walkers Builders Breakfast crisps from a few years ago that I thought were horrible (although that was because they were too eggy!). These are part of the new Walkers Do Us A Flavour range that includes the flavours; Hot Dog with Tomato Ketchup, Pulled Pork in a Sticky BBQ Sauce, Sizzling Steak Fajita, Chip Shop Chicken Curry, Cheesy Beans on Toast, and Ranch Raccoon. 

Even though I didn't really have high expectations for the Cheesy Beans on Toast flavour, I still found them a bit disappointing. They didn't really have the baked beans flavour that I was expecting. Not that I think it's a particularly great flavour for crisps, but if that's the inspiration then I would expect it to be more prevalent. They definitely have a cheesy flavour, that's milder and less pungent than Walkers usual cheese flavoured crisps. The baked beans flavour does provide a subtle sweet and tangy background flavour that reminded me a bit of ketchup flavouring, but it wasn't really strong enough here. At least these Cheesy Beans on Toast were much nicer than the Builders Breakfast crisps I remembered! 

Grocery Gems Verdict: Walkers Cheesy Beans on Toast

RATING: 6 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Maybe (my son really liked them!).
Nutrition: (per 40g bag) 210 calories.

Vegetarian: Suitable for Vegetarians.
Purchased: Local newsagent.
Price: £0.60p.


  1. I used to like trying the do us a flavour one but they are always such a disappointment. I also think they've been a bit crafty this year by doing their six packs as a single variety instead of a mixed set. I actually picky up two last night and then realised I'd be better off buying a traditional mixed pack. Sad, as I'm normally pushing to the front of the queue to try something new.

    1. A mixed variety pack would be ideal. I agree it's very annoying to not to have that choice, It forces us to spend more if we want to try all the flavours. Buying the single packs does work out much more expensive.

  2. I quite fancy the ranch racoon flavour!

    1. You're brave :) I'm leaving those until last!

  3. I've tried these ones and they were okay but my favourite is the hot dog and ketchup flavour.

  4. Do Goats like fried eggs?


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