
31 Oct 2014

Happy Halloween!

A very late post but I just have to show off this awesome Hello Kitty pumpkin carving that Mr. Grocery Gems did today. I had no idea he was planning this and I was so excited when I first saw it - it's so cute! Over the years Mr. Grocery Gems has been honing his pumpkin carving skills and I'd say he's now an expert.

Have a great weekend everyone! Katherine x


  1. Wow that's amazing! Well done Mr Grocery Gems :D

  2. Awesome carving... I'm still sad to have read that Hello Kitty is not a Cat thought, but a person... a little girl.

    But hey, Happy Halloween!

    1. Thanks! I read that about Hello Kitty but I'm in denial - it's NOT TRUE! She's a Kitty!!


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