
6 Aug 2012

Limited Edition Fanta Mango & Passion Fruit

Children always know more than we give them credit for. I had no idea my boys were even interested in my blog or really knew about it. But I was in no doubt when my eldest shouted out in a shop, 'Mum I've found something with Limited Edition on it! You can use it on your blog!'. Still, he made a good call because it was a hot day and this Limited Edition Fanta Mango & Passion Fruit looked very appealing.

I don't think I have ever bought a can of Fanta in my life. Fizzy orange is just not my thing, in fact it's totally horrid in my opinion. But as you may have seen before on this blog I do like mango and passion fruit flavours, especially in yogurts. I've had mango and passion fruit juice drinks before, but I've never tried these flavours in a fizzy drink.

This can is described as 'lightly sparkling' and it's exactly as described, not too fizzy but not tasting 'flat' either. I thought the fruit flavour might be a bit too sweet and cloying but it wasn't at all. In fact the mango and passion fruit flavours were quite light and mild. The whole drink was very refreshing. Maybe it was because I tried this on a hot day and I needed an energy boost but it went down very well.

Disappointingly there is no actual mango or passion fruit juice listed in the ingredients. Instead there is orange juice (2%) and natural flavours. I would have expected more than 2% fruit juice and if I had looked at the ingredients before purchasing I wouldn't have bought it. A mango and passion fruit drink should have some real mango and passion fruit in it!

I bought this for 55p in a local newsagents but it is also available at Tesco in 2 litre bottles.


  1. I love mango and passion fruit too, will have to pick up some of this!

  2. it's slightly hard to find but if somewhere near you sells "Rio" it's made with more real juice and is delicious.


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