
31 Oct 2012

Halloween Gingerbread House Kit (Asda)

If you are trick or treating today or having a Halloween party or even snuggling up to watch a scary movie tonight - Happy Halloween!! As you can probably tell from the fact that I gave my own blog a Halloween makeover I do love all things spooky. If I had to pick the best supermarket this year for Halloween goodies it would have to be Asda. My local store had a whole spooky aisle which they gave an awesome Halloween makeover, it was darker than the rest of the store and was fully decorated with scary props. It was also filled with great bargains, many of the Halloween food products were only £1, including this awesome looking Halloween Gingerbread House Kit.

It's hard to tell from my photo but this is actually a very large kit. The box is about three times the size of a normal cake making box kit. For £1, you get a whole load of fun products too.

There are six pieces of gingerbread for the walls of the house, two packets of icing in orange and black and three different packets of Halloween sweets to decorate. Last year I bought a massive Christmas Gingerbread House kit from an expensive shop and when I opened it nearer to Christmas all the gingerbread pieces were completely smashed. I was half expecting the same to true of this Halloween Gingerbread Kit when we opened it yesterday but everything was extremely well wrapped and in perfect condition.

The kit is very easy to use, just warm up the icing bags, snip off a corner and you're ready to ice! It's all a bit of work in progress at the moment but here's stage one of the decorated house pieces. If you're looking at the windows and thinking I can tell which ones her kids decorated and which ones the adult did then you'd probably be wrong. My eldest son was fantastic at decorating these, the messed up looking ones are all my artwork! We pretty much followed the design on the box and I'm especially pleased with how the cobwebby roofs turned out.

We all had lots of fun making this gingerbread house, it's a fantastic idea aswell, and one that I have never seen at Halloween. The smell from the gingerbread pieces was absolutely delicious too, I wish they had included a few pieces just for eating whilst we were decorating! I will update later with pictures of the finished house.

Please feel free to leave a comment below, let me know if you are planning any Halloween baking today!


  1. This is awesome! I'm not a massive fan of gingerbread (can't stand ginger) but it looks so cute! What a bargain for £1 and I am most impressed with your kid's artistic talents!

  2. Glad to see your was successful our wasn't :(

    1. Oh no, what happened? Did you manage to salvage any of it?

  3. Great value for money. Look forward to seeing the completed house!


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