
21 Dec 2012

Morrisons Mince Pie Popcorn Review

A big Thank You to reader Jo S who spotted this Mince Pie Flavour Popcorn from Morrisons. I would never have found this without her comment! Even after I knew of it's existence it was very hard to find instore. It wasn't displayed in the popcorn section or in the Christmas section, instead I finally found it at the end of an aisle near the tills.

It comes in a large 150g bag which is perfect for filling up a large bowl! I like the simple red and white packaging and at only £1 it is a great bargain too.

The popcorn is described simply as "fluffy corn coated in a spicy mincemeat flavouring". The popcorn certainly had a subtle spicy smell noticeable as soon as I opened the pack. The colour was quite pale, without any thick toffee coating, which is how I prefer it. The texture was indeed very fluffy with a slight chewiness. The consistency was very high throughout the bag, there were no over baked pieces or unpopped kernels.

The flavour was delicious too, there were lots of different spicy flavours, I could especially taste the cinnamon, ginger and clove. These spices were not overpowering, they tasted quite delicate and sweet. I wouldn't say that the popcorn tasted like "Mince Pie" as such, as there was no overt fruitiness to the flavour. I would describe it as a Christmas spice popcorn instead. My husband in particular really enjoyed this popcorn, he found it very moreish and easy to eat and he doesn't even like mince pies (he hates raisins). However he loved all the warming spices in this popcorn. It doesn't have the layering of flavours of the gourmet brand of popcorn I have tried recently but it's a fantastic buy for a value price.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Morrisons Mince Pie Flavour Popcorn

RATING: 7.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes, my husband loved them!
Nutrition (per 50g): 
239 calories, 2.8g protein, 38.3g carbohydrate (15.9g sugars), 7.4g fat.
Purchased: Morrisons.
Price: £1.00.


  1. A thumbs up then! Thank you for the mention :)
    I don't know how i managed to describe the packet as cream coloured tho! Lol how did i miss the bright red?? I was flying tho so that's my excuse :oD Oh well at least you found it!

  2. Flying past i meant! Ooops

  3. Lol it's OK I can understand how you missed the red, it's actually quite a plain design on the front apart from the cream panel in the middle.

  4. I know this is really late posting but I loved these. I was so disappointed to not find any in the lead up to Xmas 13 (or any other time for that season) and the very young staff just pulled a stupid face when I asked about it. I really hope they get this back, not mince pie but certainly spicy and moreish and an excellent price for a large bag. Bring it back please.


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