
21 Jan 2013

Zagnut Review

Last week I reviewed the American Take 5 bar, which had been sent to me by Hannah aka The Review Addict. She also sent me this Zagnut, which is another American bar - so a very big thank you to Hannah for her generosity. Zagnut is a really unusual bar - from it's name, to the way it looks, to the actual taste.

The Zagnut bar has been around for a long time (there are some great details about it's history on this fab review by CandyBlog). It's origins go back to the 1930's when it was manufactured by a company called Clarks but it's now owned and made by the US giant Hersheys.

Is it just me or does the Zagnut look like a large fish finger? I could totally prank my husband by serving one of these on a plate with chips and peas on the side *maniacal laugh*.

The slightly bizarre appearance comes from the crispy layer of toasted coconut which completely cover this bar - there is no chocolate coating, or indeed any chocolate within it. This outer layer is quite crumbly and has a deliciously sweet coconut flavour.

The inner filling is made of a sort of peanut butter brittle, it's crunchy at first but soon turns very chewy in the mouth. The flavours of coconut and peanut butter go together really well and make me wish that I could buy an actual jar of coconut peanut butter. The salty edge of the peanut butter provides a delicious contrast to the sweetness of the sugary layers.  The textures are crunchy, crumbly and chewy all at once. It's a very special one-of-a-kind bar and I really enjoyed trying it - thank you again Hannah!

Grocery Gems Verdict: Zagnut

RATING: 8 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: 220 calories, 3g protein, 35g carbohydrate (25g sugars), 9g fat.
Purchased: A gift from The Review Addict - check out her blog!
Price: £1.44p (available from CyberCandy).


  1. Wow, what an interesting bar. It sounds very unique, I don't think I've ever seen a chocolate bar that looks so much like a fish finger before haha. Cool name too, I would totally buy a "Zagnut" for the name alone.

    Oh and coconut peanut butter sounds like a fantastic idea! You could always try making your own by adding some dessicated coconut.

    1. The appearance was a surprise to me too, although I don't know what a coconut and peanut butter bar would look like, if not like this!

      It's one of those classic American bars that is really worth a try if you come across one.

      Good idea about the peanut butter, I'll give that a go! It reminds me of this fab coconut chocolate spread that Sainsbury's used to do and that I really miss. I could just add dessicated coconut to a regular choc spread. Thanks!

  2. Wow I really want to try this, what an unusual bar in name, appearance and ingredients! I love peanut butter so I'm going to scout the american candy stores for this. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Thanks for the mention Katherine. I will be honest and say that I had no idea what a Zagnut was, I just saw it in my box and read coconut and peanut butter and thought oh Katherine will like that! I was expecting some sort of chocolate, it's quite unusual looking.

    Anyway, I am glad you enjoyed it and I will have to pick up another one of these I think!

    1. Thanks again Hannah! You know my tastes lol. I don't think I have ever tried peanut butter and coconut before but it's something I'd like to try more of. I'm going to take up Kev's idea I think. I hope you get to try a Zagnut, I feel bad that you haven't tried one yet :(

    2. Don't feel bad, I was way more excited about the Ritter Sport and the Coconut Kit Kat that you sent me :-)

    3. Thanks Hannah :D

      Have you spotted any Coconut Kit Kat's in your area yet (or any of the other ones)??

    4. Nope, sadly not. I've still been looking but they are no where to be found!

  4. The bar looks delicious.Thank you for sharing.


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