
13 Feb 2013

Angry Birds Space Comet - Orange Cola Drink (Cybercandy)

This range of Angry Birds Cola is so popular in it's native Finland, that it's even started to win the "cola wars" there, outselling the more popular brands of cola. Is this because the Angry Birds are so popular or is it because the drink just tastes better than rival colas?

I recently reviewed some Angry Birds sweets, which were also manufactured in Finland. I was really impressed by them as they were tasty and not pumped full of artificial ingredients. I picked up this Angry Birds Space Comet which is described online as an orange flavoured cola. I've had vanilla, cherry and a lime flavoured cola, so an orange flavoured cola was something I simply had to try!

The cola is the dominant taste at first, it's a very sweet and light kind of cola - not too fizzy or strong. After that first flavour of cola it becomes more of a fizzy orangeade as the citrus flavour kicks in. It's zingy and fresh without being overpowering. I enjoyed the overall flavour combination, it's very unusual but it works well.

The real winner is the packaging, which is striking and fun. As you can see from the pictures, the Grocery Gems' household contains a few gamers and gaming related toys, so I am always attracted to video game themed grocery products. I also love buying crazy drinks from all around the world at Cybercandy, and this Angry Birds cola kills two (angry) birds with one stone(!) Even better, it has the added bonus of being quite tasty! Not something I can say about all the gamer themed drinks and grocery products I've tried.

There are four drinks available in this range: tropical fruit flavoured ‘Angry Birds Tropic’, the mandarin and pineapple-flavoured ‘Angry Birds Paradise’, the apple and pear flavoured ‘Angry Birds Lagoon’, and this orange and cola flavoured ‘Angry Birds Space Comet’.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Angry Birds Space Comet

RATING: 8.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: I'd go for the Angry Birds Lagoon drink next.
Nutrition (330ml can): 111 Calories
Purchased: Cybercandy.
Price: £1.85p.


  1. This sounds like a nice novelty, I love the idea of orange flavoured cola.
    It's weird how Angry Birds has become so popular isn't it? It's like the Super Mario/Sonic/Pokemon of this generation. Must admit I'm a bit of an addict myself, though I try and avoid playing it otherwise I'll get nothing else done!

  2. It's definitely an interesting combination and a step above the usual gaming merchandise. They've put some effort into creating an interesting drink at least, rather than just sticking the Angry Birds logo onto a boring cola. And I know what you mean about getting sucked into games like this!

  3. Hahahaha! "Kills two (angry) birds with one stone"!!! :D
    Very cool cola tin design!!

    1. Hehe thanks Bao Bao! The design is really fun isn't it!


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