
11 Mar 2013

Oyatsu Cafe Discount Code!

Snack fans! I'm very pleased to announce that online Japanese food store Oyatsu Cafe has offered my readers a 15% discount coupon on all orders - there are no limits and it's open internationally. So if you want to get your hands on the latest Japanese snacks like Cheeseburger Cheetos or unique Pocky flavours then take a look at Oyatsu Cafe.

Simply enter "GROCERYGEMS" on the checkout page of Oyatsu Cafe for 15% off your order!

I'll also be featuring some reviews of Oyatsu Cafe products in the near future!


  1. How long is this code valid for?

    1. It's an ongoing code, they renew it every six months or so. I used it recently so it should be fine. Let me know if it doesn't work.


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