
25 Jun 2013

Marks & Spencer Neopolitan Cookies Review

I've been wanting to try these Neopolitan Cookies ever since I saw them in M&S a few weeks ago. I love the fun and summery packaging, with a biscuit made to look like an ice cream! I'm sure I don't need to tell anyone that a Neopolitan ice cream consists of three basic flavours, strawberry, vanilla and chocolate. It's a popular one for M&S this year as there is also a new Neopolitan themed dessert in the range too.

The actual cookies look fairly standard. I'm not sure what I expected but they are quite plain, although they do have a lovely sweet strawberry smell. The cookie gets it's Neopolitan flavour from the three main additions - strawberry pieces, white chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips. This is basically the same as the Strawberries & Cream cookies that M&S released last year but with added milk chocolate chips. There's nothing really that special that would make these an ice cream flavoured biscuit. The flavours are all quite good, if a little boring, but the worst part was the texture. These cookies are so rock hard that they are actually difficult to bite into! They were impossible to eat without a hot drink to hand. Definitely one for the tea dunkers!

There is also a new Strawberry & Rhubarb variety available as part of the same range.

Grocery Gems Verdict: M&S Neopolitan Cookies

RATING: 5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: No.
: 110 calories, 1.4g protein, 14.2g Carb, 8.3g sugars, 5.4g fat.

Vegetarian: Yes.
Purchased: M&S.
Price: £1.99p.


  1. I thought they were delicious, but incredibly sickly! I love the waxy glaze and the rock-hardness of the cookie...but that's me. If it's a cookie it has to be rock solid! None of that chewy nonsense! And yes, they dunk very very well :)

    I've also had the rhubarb ones. Boring and barely a cookie, more like stale shortbread. Boo! :(

    1. I always thought cookies should be quite chewy but it turns out that M&S have cornered the lucrative rock solid cookies market :D

      Thanks for the comment and the head up on the rhubarb ones - I think I'll give those a miss then! :)


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