
25 Jul 2013

Pocky Rare CheeseCake Review

Another intriguing Japanese product from my recent Oyatsu Cafe parcel. Apparently Rare CheeseCake describes a creamy type of cheesecake rather than the darker baked kind. If anyone knows more about this flavour then please leave a comment below! There also seems to be a lemon influence to this Rare CheeseCake judging by the picture on the front of the box. It's all part of the new summer range from Glico, which includes the Coconut Pocky that I reviewed earlier this week here.

As usual the packaging is unique to the Pocky flavour, I love how no two packets that I've reviewed have looked the same thus far. For the Rare Cheesecake it's a sleek blue and white theme.

Once I opened up one of the inner packs I was immediately surprised by the cheese scent which greeted me. It's a savoury and almost cheddar like scent, but not in an overpowering way. The flavour however, is completely different, it's sweet rather than savoury. The sweetness and creaminess of the icing instantly come through followed by a very subtle hint of lemon, with a slight aftertaste of cream cheese. Ultimately it's quite a simple combination of flavours, but it still creates an unusual and enjoyable Pocky experience, and one that has pushed my powers of description to the limit!

Even though I'm not an expert on Japanese snacks, I've been loving trying all these new varieties, and I'm very thankful to Oyatsu Cafe for sending me some fantastic products. This weekend I'm going to the massive HYPER JAPAN show at Earl's Court and I cannot wait! I hope to come home laden with even more Japanese snacks and lots of kawaii ornaments. :)

This product was very kindly sent to me by Oyatsu Cafe for review but all views are my own. 

Grocery Gems Verdict: Rare Cheesecake Pocky

RATING: 8 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Probably not. So many Pocky, so little time.
Price $2.99 (approx. £1.96).


  1. Ooh these sound delicious. Looking forward to see what you pick up at the hyper Japan show - Japanese snacks are the best!

  2. Have a great time at Hyper Japan! Don't spend too much! :-)


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