
2 Oct 2013

Around The World: Columbia - Grace Green Banana Chips

Grace Foods is a food manufacturer of Caribbean and Jamaican products that has many international divisions. I previously reviewed their drink Aloe Vera Mango drink which was made in Taiwan, but today I have one that is a product of Columbia - the Green Banana Chips. I've tried plantain chips before (review HERE), which I enjoyed so I was interested to see how a banana version would compare.

The Green Banana Chips are free from preservatives, cholesterol and trans fat, and could be considered a slightly healthier alternative to regular potato chips. The overall flavour was very similar to the plantain chips I have tried before, but perhaps a little sweeter. There is a subtle banana taste to these but the main flavour is really from the salt seasoning, which is a bit like ready salted crisps. However the fact that these are made from green banana makes them taste less greasy and more substantial than similar potato snacks. I really did enjoy the flavour of these and it's making me hungry just looking at the photos!

Grocery Gems Verdict: Grace Green Banana Chips

RATING: 8.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Purchased: Morrisions (World Foods section).
Price: £0.79p.

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