
24 Jan 2014

Review: Cadbury Dream Bar

Cadbury Dream bars always seem quite hard to find. Apparently they are still exist across Europe but only have a limited distribution in the UK due to lack of demand. I guess they can't compete with the more popular Milky Bar from NestlĂ©. I bought these kid friendly sized Cadbury Dream bars from a local newsagent, and they contain 110 calories each. 

Inside it's a thin looking bar with a fairly uninspired design of a flower and a football on opposite sides. Cadbury obviously hedging their bets with those choices.

I was all prepared to say that this white chocolate tasted cheap and plasticky but surprisingly enough I thought it was actually very nice. There's no doubt it has a very sweet flavour, but I still found the white chocolate offering here to be enjoyably creamy and smooth. I would probably say that Milky Bars are tastier overall, mainly because they have more of a vanilla edge to them, but the Cadbury Dream is a pleasing treat nonetheless.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Cadbury Dream
RATING: 7 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: 110 calories.
Vegetarian: Yes.
Purchased: Newsagent. 
Price: 4 bars for £1.00. 


  1. I'll always remember when Cadbury Dream was first launched. As a fan of white chocolate I assumed a Cadbury version would taste like Dairy Milk without the cocoa, but I was very disappointed as it tasted far too sweet. I haven't eaten it in years now, but I imagine it's nicer in this thin bar format.

    1. I can imagine it would have been very disappointing as a standard bar (don't think I ever tried it before!), but it seems to work in this kids version.

  2. Gosh, I can't remember the last time I had a Cadburys Dream bar! Oh nostalgia haha
    Great review :)

  3. these are in my local newsagent in kids bit too, nice for a little change


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