
28 May 2014

Limited Edition M&M's Brazil World Cup (UK)

If you read my rather scathing review of the Limited Edition Kit Kat Chunky Orange last week (here), then you might expect a similar review for these Limited Edition Brazil themed M&M's. After all, the only thing that is different about them is the colour. The flavour is certainly nothing new, just good ol' peanut. But despite all that, I really like these colourful blue, green and yellow M&M's! 

The thing is I'm obsessed with flags (I have so many books about flags, posters, maps - even a flag globe on my Around the World page) so these type of flag themed products always appeal to me. I gave the London Olympics themed M&M's a big thumbs up back in 2012 too for the same reasons (review here - but be warned it's in the early days of my blog so it's pretty awful!). The supermarkets are full of party supplies featuring the Brazilian flag for the football World Cup and it's nice to have a chocolate product that fits in with this party atmosphere. I can imagine having bowls of these M&M's at any World Cup get together or even for watching a match on your own, and they will look great. I don't even mind that they are not a special flavour because that's not the point. It's all about the flag, the Bandeira do Brasil, and I think that's fabulous. If anything, I wish these were plain chocolate M&M's rather than peanut ones because they would appeal to more members of my family (i.e. my kids don't like the peanut ones!).

Let me know if you agree or disagree in the comments below! 

Grocery Gems Verdict: M&M's Brazil Colours

Rating: 7.5 out of 10
Purchased: Tesco.
Price: £1.00.


  1. This totally gave me a new idea for the next Grocery Exchange....send a bunch of World Cup themed snacks! :)

    1. I might have to add that we have a few Milka and Haribo Special Editions that immediately reminded me of you when I saw them!

    2. That sounds like a great idea! I'm really intrigued to know what these Milka and Haribo special editions are now!! :D

    3. I'm on it! :D Almost done even haha.

    4. Thanks Steffi! I'll get on it too!

  2. All this football madness seems a bit pointless especially if they are just bog standard peanut M&M's which I love anyway. I hate football so can't summon up any actual interest in the sport but I do love Brazilian foods. However, I've been really disappointed by the stuff purporting to be influenced by Brazilian foods as they just seem to be repackaged rather than genuinely new recipes. Frankly what I've seen so far seems as authentic as a Vesta Curry was to genuine Indian food.

    1. Yes that's very true about the flavours. To most retailers and food producers "pineapple & coconut" seems to sum up Brazil... oh and it'll also do for Hawaii and every other "tropical" place they can think of. I'm kind of glad that M&M's didn't even go there.

      I'm not interested in football at all either. My interest in this is only about the flag - sad I know! I would probably buy some of this Brazilian flag themed party stuff (when it's all going cheap in a few months time of course) and then use it for a movie night or summer BBQ!

    2. You are spot on about the pineapple and coconut theme-very unoriginal. Like you I will be go for some of the themed stuff when it fails to sell and is on offer. Interestingly, Lidl's Brazilian items are not available in Scottish Stores!


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