
20 Aug 2014

New Walkers Chip Shop Chicken Curry

I have a confession - I really have no idea what flavour "chip shop chicken curry" is meant to be. I know chip shops sell curry sauce but to be honest I've never tried it. This interesting flavour is part of Walker's new  "Do Us A Flavour" promotion. The six new flavours available are; Hot Dog with Tomato Ketchup, Pulled Pork in a Sticky BBQ Sauce, Sizzling Steak Fajita, Chip Shop Chicken Curry, Cheesy Beans on Toast, and Ranch Racoon. 

The flavour in these Chip Shop Chicken Curry crisps is much blander than I was expecting it to be. It has a generic curry powder flavour, and an underlying sweetness that I was quite surprised by. In some ways the flavour reminded me a lot of Coronation Chicken - the very sweet and mild curry that is often used in sandwich fillings - rather than any other chicken curry I've tried. There is dried chilli powder listed in the ingredients but it wasn't enough to trouble my taste buds. If you've tried a real chip shop chicken curry then I'd love to know what you think of this flavour in the comments below!

More info on all the flavours here:

Grocery Gems Verdict: Walkers Chip Shop Chicken Curry

RATING: 7 out of 10 - sweet and  mild curry flavour but still quite tasty.
Buy them again?: Maybe.
Nutrition: (per 40g bag) 211 calories.

Vegetarian: Not Suitable for Vegetarians.
Purchased: Local newsagent.
Price: £0.60p.


  1. Hi Katherine,
    Im not one to normally comment on blogs , normally a quiet reader, but i couldnt help but to drop you a line. I found your website after searching for Burtons Fish n Chips after i saw they has become available in parts of the UK again .. and i was trying to get my hands on some lol
    so ongoing back and reading nearly your whole website, i have come to 3 conclusions ..
    1. you have a great website
    2. it has now beaten the saisburys website as the number one website that its half joy and half torture ( only due to the fact that im a sucker for new products and get so excited when i see new things but when you live overseas you have to succumb to the fact you wont get to try them :()
    3. i see you have a few swaps that you do with ppl in Germany and asia etc, where you swap boxes of goodies known in that country etc , would you consider doing more? or perhaps ever do a sort of mixed round where different readers could send things to eachother .. thought about this for awhile and thought it sounded like a great idea.. ?

    so thats it , i really have enjoed your website and am enjoying the current limited edition walker reviews as they may just be my biggest weakness..

    I hope you are having a fantastic day

    1. Hi Sarah,

      Thanks for such a lovely comment! It's great to hear from a fellow limited edition and new products fan. I love that you went back and read some older reviews too :)

      On your points:

      1) Thank you! *blushes*

      2) Haha! Take that Sainsbury's! But I'm sorry for the torture side of my blog. If it helps I also feel that way when I read overseas blogs. :)

      3) That's a really great idea and one that I have been thinking about for awhile. I'll try to get something together soon to test the interest. Watch this space...

      Again, I'm so glad that you're enjoying the reviews. I'm actually on hols at the moment but I had to find a WiFi spot to reply to your wonderful comment (sorry this whole comment is shorter than what I wanted to write because the Wi fi connection is terrible).

      Have a lovely week and I hope to hear from you again on here :)


  2. these ones arent for me. i hate curry and i hate cornoation chicken. but i reckon they could be popular

    1. I'm getting quite curious now to find out which one is winning the vote!


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