
18 Nov 2015

New Instore: New Christmas Desserts at Lidl


A big thank you to Sarah W. who spotted lots of new Christmas themed deserts in Lidl. There are plenty of treat to choose from, including: 

Lidl Spiced Chocolate Orange Pudding
Lidl White Berry Cheesecake
Lidl Dark Chocolate Cheesecake
Lidl Brioche Rum & Raisin Bread and Butter Pudding
Lidl Ginger & Chocolate Melt in the Middle Pudding.


I can also spy something called a 'Gingerbread Pudding' in the top right corner of the photo. I'll have to track that one down!

Many thanks again to Sarah for the great photo and list! As always if you've spotted any new products instore then I'd love to hear from you - email or tweet me @grocerygems.

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