
About Me

Hello! I'm Katherine, a mum of two and blogger living in the UK, who loves writing reviews. Here at Grocery Gems you'll find a little bit of everything, if you can buy it in a supermarket or a local shop then chances are I'll review it!

It's always exciting to come across a new product and I'm easily enticed by the words NEW or LIMITED EDITION emblazoned across the front. It seems I will buy almost anything with these magic words and I'm sure I'm not the only one! 

All my reviews are completely honest, I don't get paid to write any of this. Every word is written by me and is my opinion. Most of the products I feature have been bought by me, but if I have been sent the product to review then it will be clearly stated. If you have a product you would like me to review then please contact me

All the photographs have been taken by me so please do not use them without my permission or without crediting Grocery Gems as the source.
All the illustrations on this blog, such as the banners and logo, have been designed by my talented brother. He even did the cartoon version of me at the top of this page. Best airbrushing ever!

If you've got a product you want me to review or have any other comments then you can contact me by email at



  1. Love the drawing, it looks fab! Your bro is mega talented!

    1. Haha thanks Hannah! I'll tell him you said that. He's already happy about the Chocolate Finding Hero name! :)

  2. That drawing of you is super cute! :D, As an art student, I totally appreciate the awesome work of your brother, your blog and all it's illustrations is just too groovy for words, Miss Katherine ;D

  3. Thank you Miss Becca ;-)

    Just told my brother your kind words and he's so chuffed! What kind of art are you studying/interested in? Good luck with it all! K x

  4. Good work. I was just thinking about setting up a similar blog as I find it hard to get honest reviews. I'm a foodie nut and thought why not mix the two. It was in fact the change to Ferrero Rondnoir that prompted me to search. Keep it up and hopefully all this work has brought you much enjoyment too.

    1. Thanks! Let me know if you set up a review blog. I'd love to check it out :)


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