
12 Apr 2013

Cadbury Black Forest Review (CyberCandy)

This Cadbury Dairy Milk Black Forest from New Zealand (and made in Australia) was very kindly sent to me by CyberCandy for review. I don't know about you but when I see the words "black forest" I instantly think of the classic cake; the black forest gateau. This chocolate bar certainly shares one thing with the cake of the same name, and that's cherries! The Dairy Milk Black Forest is described as "milk chocolate with dark chocolate biscuit pieces and cherry flavoured jellies".

It looks like a fairly standard Dairy Milk shape, with seven segments and the Cadbury logo on each. The dark biscuit pieces are clearly visible through the chocolate.

When I first cut through the bar I was met with lots of the biscuit pieces, which are very generously distributed. The biscuit doesn't have a "dark chocolate" flavour as such, it mainly adds a lovely crunchiness and extra sweetness.

As I cut through the next segment of the chocolate, I was greeted with the sight above! Great big cherry sweeties within the chocolate! The cherry jellies are so large and bright it's amazing how they can hide amongst the other ingredients. They may not have been visible from the outside of this particular chocolate bar but they're definitely the star of the show! The sweet cherry flavour within them is delicious, and they have a firm chewy texture that's a bit like jelly beans.

If you've ever tried Australian/NZ Dairy Milk chocolate then you'll know that it tastes slightly different to British Dairy Milk. The recipe used for this Black Forest bar has 26% cocoa solids and 28% milk solids. It's still unmistakeably Cadbury's but to me it tastes a bit creamier and has a stronger cocoa flavour. It's the perfect smooth base for the added biscuit and cherry ingredients. I really enjoyed this bar and I loved the fact that it has it all going on - crunchy, chewy, fruity and chocolately!

Cybercandy kindly sent me this product for an honest review but all views expressed are my own.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Cadbury Black Forest

RATING: 8 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Purchased: Available from CyberCandy. 

Nutrition: 228 calories, 3.2g protein, 27.4g carbs (24.3g sugars), 11.6g fat
Price: £1.65


  1. It's years since I've tried one of these but I remember them being just as you describe, with the chewy/fruity tastes going on. I wish Cadbury UK would sell them.

    1. Completely agree, I wish Cadbury UK would sell these!

  2. Ohhhh, my dad is insanely in love with cherries, everything cherry he loves! I've been wanting to get him this bar to try for such a long time, think I might try my best and get it for him, even for fathers day? It looks scrummy honestly, never had Australian chocolate before! Would be wonderful to try I think. Great Review, Miss Katherine! Love the piccies, such great detail!

    1. Thanks Becca, I'm kind of obsessed with close ups of chocolate lol!

      I think this would be a fab idea for fathers day, especially as your Dad likes cherry. It's more of a jelly bean sweetie kind of flavour rather than a fruity cherry - if that makes sense! The Australian Cadbury's does taste very different, more milky somehow. Worth a try anyway!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jacqueline, it's quite an unsual chocolate bar but so simple at the same time. I absolutely love your blog so thank you for taking the time to visit mine!

  4. Nice to see someone reviewing this! I went to NZ once and this was one of the first that jumped of the shelf (well, sort of) I had never seen anything like it in the UK. I was hoping the cherries would be more 'real fruit' than 'jelly bean' as you point out, but it was still a nice combo. I totally agree with your score.

    1. That's fantastic! Surely it must taste even better if you actually eat it IN New Zealand!

  5. I absolutely love these. I too wish they were more readily available over here! The cherry nuggets are divine!


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