
11 Apr 2013

Calorie Mate Review (Oyatsu Cafe)

This Calorie Mate block was quite a strange one to me when it arrived in my Oyatsu Cafe parcel. The packaging is quite retro and stark looking, with lots and lots of small writing describing it as a source of nutrition and energy. I wasn't quite sure what to expect inside but it turns out that Calorie Mate is a very popular nutritional biscuit in Japan. It's often used as an energy booster or even as a meal replacement tool. Inside the block are four foil wrapped cookies, each with 100 calories and packed full of 11 types of vitamins, six types of minerals and protein, alongside balanced amounts of fat and sugar. They're available in several different flavours including; cheesecake, chocolate and fruit.

Some gamers might recognise Calorie Mate from the game Metal Gear Solid 3 in which it featured as a food item that would fully restore a character's stamina! Thanks also to some awesome adverts featuring Kiefer Sutherland in full on Jack Bauer mode, Calorie Mate has developed somewhat of a cult status amongst snackers too.

Inside the Calorie Mate box there are two gold wrapped packs, with two cookies in each pack. The biscuits look like shortbread and have a similar texture too, although it's slightly more crumbly and soft.

These taste very unusual on first bite, mainly because the flavour is somewhere between a sweet and savoury biscuit. There is definitely a cheese flavour in there, but it's coupled with an underlying tangy sweetness that does make me think of cheesecake.

The best way to describe the flavour is as a savoury cheesecake flavoured shortbread! Very unusual but nonetheless interesting! I think the chocolate version would be a great one to try next.

Don't forget there is 15% off your order at Oyatsu Cafe if you use the following discount code:
This is available for all orders internationally and with no limits. See HERE for more details. 

This product was very kindly sent to me by Oyatsu Cafe for review but all views are my own. I don't receive any compensation if you order from Oyatsu Cafe or use the above code.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Calorie Mate

RATING: 6.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: I'd definitely like to try out the other flavours.
Purchased: Available from Oyatsu Cafe. 

Price: $3.24 (approx. £2.11).


  1. God could you push your referral benefit for Oyastsu Cafe more? How much do they give you per sale 10% As if we'd buy from an online retailer not in the UK- expensive.

  2. As I state very clearly in each of these reviews, I don't receive any money at all from Oyatsu Cafe. Either through the discount code or advert. Not a penny. I have just received some products to review, and I've reviewed them all with my honest opinion.

    I'm just someone who loves Japanese food and snacks, and I'm delighted to share a discount code with my readers who share the same interest. I know that my blog followers who have used the discount code have been really happy with their order and the prices.

    It's entirely up to you whether you feel comfortable buying from abroad or not. Personally I order from abroad all the time! So do all of my family and friends. They've all ordered from abroad through either Ebay or Amazon, or more specialist retailers depending on their interests.

  3. Clearly internet Trolls don't like Calorie Mate. :)

    Perhaps it's difficult to get international deliveries sent to your home when you live under a bridge... lol

    I really don't understand why someone would take the time to leave this kind of comment when they didn't bother to ready the review...complete Fail.

    Don't let this put you off international reviews. I love them! Always cool to read about something I otherwise wouldn't have known about.

  4. Autocorrect fail... Replace "ready" with "read"... Woops!

  5. "Wouldn't buy from an online retailer not in the UK"
    I guess everyone is a rittle bit lacist...

  6. I am eating farley's bear biscuits. They are the same size, less calorie, filling, GERD friendly, no fat or lard and packed with vitamins. A great alternative. Plus, it's cheaper and can get it anywhere.

  7. I am eating farley's bear biscuits. They are the same size, less calorie, filling, GERD friendly, no fat or lard and packed with vitamins. A great alternative. Plus, it's cheaper and can get it anywhere.


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