
4 May 2013

Milka Geburtstagstafel Birthday & Grocery Gems' Blogaversary!

This Milka Geburtstagstafel is a Limited Edition bar, released to celebrate Milka's 111th birthday, which makes this a very apt review, as today is also Grocery Gems' anniversary! Not 111th mind you, that would be quite an achievement. Nope, today marks one year since I first decided to sit down and talk about stuff that I eat. But more about that at the end of the post! A big thank you to Monster Sweets who sent me this Milka bar last week, it seemed appropriate to save it for today!

The Gerburtstagstafel features the Milka cow on top of a purple birthday cake surrounded by candles. Milka have recreated that exact picture of the Milka cow and birthday cake in white chocolate on top of the milk chocolate bar. It's been wonderfully done and looks very impressive. I love the detailing on the candles and cake!

The Milka chocolate used here is super sweet and creamy but still has a lovely cocoa flavour. I love the simple combination of white and milk chocolate, it always reminds me of Kinder bars which are a guilty pleasure of mine. The result here is an extremely tasty chocolate, with a lovely appearance, that has plenty of extra special appeal.

I didn't envisage that I would still be blogging one year later, but the enthusiasm that I feel about Grocery Gems has grown rather than diminished. Without wishing to sound too sentimental I do want to thank every single one of my readers during the past year. I hope I've made you hungry at least once! I must also thank my fantastic fellow review bloggers for always being a wealth of information and support... and for making me rush out and buy a product after reading your reviews! Lastly, thank you to all the companies who have entrusted their products in my hands! And I'd like to take this opportunity to apologise for the cheesiness of the previous sentences :)

Monster Sweets kindly sent me this product for an honest review but all views expressed are my own. 

Grocery Gems Verdict: Milka Geburtstagstafel

RATING: 7.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Would make a great birthday pressie!
Price: £1.65p.


  1. happy one year anniversary! have been reading you're reviews for a while now and enjoy doing so, keep it up and here's to another year!!! :)

  2. Thank you so much ostimea! That's really lovely to hear! :D

  3. Happy Anniversary to my favourite foody blog!! x

    1. Thank you Jo! I always love your comments :D

  4. Happy Blogaversary!

  5. Happy Anniversary Grocery Gems! :-) (sorry I'm a bit late with this).

    I found this blog while searching for the Boci strawberry Aero last year and have loved it ever since :) Keep up the great work Katherine!

    1. Thanks so much Kev! That's so funny to hear how you found my blog. The strawberry Boci was my first more unusual chocolate bar review too.

      I remember that you were the first to tell me about the Cadbury Dairy Milk Oreo. That's my favourite chocolate now! :)


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