
5 May 2013

Shirley Coconut Biscuits Review

A quick review today of these Shirley Coconut biscuits that I found in the World Foods section of my local Tesco. These biscuits are made by a company called West Indian Biscuit Company, otherwise known as WIBISCO. I love that! They are made in Barbados, which adds a new country to my Around the World challenge.

It's a small pack with about sixteen rectangular biscuits inside. They look really pretty with their appetising golden colouring and little image of a cottage on the front.

The biscuits are crunchy but also have a decent buttery edge to them. They're a bit like a rich tea biscuits, although not as dry - still perfect for dunking in a cup of tea! The flavour is wheaty and delicious with lots of sweet coconut coming through. It's not the strongest coconut flavour, it reminds me of the coconut taste in a Fox's Nice biscuit. In fact these are very similar to a Nice biscuit but with a more buttery flavour and without the granulated sugar topping. Overall, these are quite basic biscuits, but they're very tasty and are great value too.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Shirley Coconut Biscuits

RATING: 7.5 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition (per 4 biscuits)
: 140 calories.

Purchased: Tesco.
Price: £0.49p.


  1. Now THIS is my fave kind of biscuit - buttery coconutty Mmmmm..... as much of the relentless sweet tooth I have, I do prefer a plain kind of biscuit (Nice, Malted Milks and the 'not so regular' shortbread are my favourites). More often than not they HAVE to be consumed - dunked in a cuppa1 These sound perfect for me!

    1. I'm with you (yet again!) on the simple biscuits! It's always better if they're dunkable :) I think you would really like these!

  2. I love these biscuits, they are so yummy. If you have an Asian grocery shop near u then look out for them there. I've seen them priced 3 packs for a pound which is a total bargain! That was in London tho.

    1. Thanks Gozi! That's a total bargain, I'll look out for some more at that price :)

  3. I love your blog! Fantastic idea. I just bought these biscuits myself from tesco too. I spend quite a bit of time in the world foods aisle!

    1. Thank you! I love your Around the World In 80 Bakes blog too - such a wonderful quest!


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