23 Aug 2013

Chia Pod Review (Whole Foods Market)

Whenever I head to the Nespresso store in central London, I always take a look at the Whole Foods Market opposite. I'd seen these Chia Pods featured in a local newspaper and had wanted to give them a try. They're an interesting take on the so-called chia seeds craze. Chia seeds have been hailed as a superfood, especially for runners, because of their high protein, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants and mineral content. I have no idea if these claims are true or not, but if you want further information then check out THIS article on the BBC News Magazine website.

The pudding inspired Chia Pods contain only three ingredients - coconut milk, chia seeds, and real fruit. They're made by Australian based The Chia Co, and come in a few fruity flavours; Mango, Banana, Blueberry, and also a Vanilla Bean version. Whole Foods Market didn't have all of those flavours (I wanted to try the Vanilla Bean) so in the end we chose the Banana and Mango Chia Pods.

Chia seeds are very small black seeds, a bit like poppy seeds in appearance. Combined with liquid they tend to go soft, and almost gel like, as they absorb it. I enjoyed the texture from the soft seeds as it creates a creamier experience; there's no danger of crunchy seeds getting stuck in your teeth here! However, this unique gel like consistency may be a problem for anyone who's slimy-texture-phobic. My Banana Chia Pod had a very simple and unfussy flavour of blended banana and coconut milk. The seeds themselves do not have a particularly strong taste, adding just a hint of nuttiness. The Mango Chia Pod was not as sweet as the Banana version, and seemed a little bit blander overall. However, it was still enjoyable and extremely filling. In fact it was only when I got home, quite late, that I realised I hadn't eaten anything else apart from one Chia Pod, I just wasn't hungry at all. For a continual grazer like me that is quite something!

There are also these packets of Chia Seeds available from the same company. They're useful for taking home and adding to your morning cereal, oats, smoothies, salads, bread - really anything you fancy.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Chia Pod

RATING: Banana - 8 out of 10, Mango- 7 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Nutrition: Banana 161 calories, Mango 149 calories. 
Purchased: Whole Foods Market.

Other reviews:
The Chia Co - Chia Oil


  1. I tried the vanilla bean one in New York recently and found it very bland, so I think you lucked out in your store's availability! ;)

    1. These were not that flavourful either really. They're crying out for some extra sugar and flavourings but I suspect that would ruin the healthiness :)

    2. I tried the Vanilla Bean to - hmmm, not my thing for "taste" but you are right in that they are incredibly filling! I just took a couple bits and it totally fills me up and stops the "grazing" that I tend to do too. So I think Vanilla Bean is not the answer but I look forward to trying Blueberry next time. But I have to agree with another a comment I saw here, the texture is going to take some getting used to.

  2. These look amazing! I have been wanting to try chia for ages but it is rather difficult to find in the UK, great review :)

  3. Just add some honey - seemed to do the trick!

    1. Ditto. I added honey ( 1/2 teaspoon?) and it was great. satisfied my sweet tooth a bit.-M

  4. The vanilla bean is really boring. I had to put some honey in it to be able to eat it all.

  5. i've tried the Banana & Vanilla Chia Pods. I bought it from Whole foods in Atlanta. i'm from Los Angeles and still haven't found them here.
    They are amazing, I like it that they are not too sweet. YUM.

    1. The Chia pod deserts are a perfect healthy replacement for Rice Pudding and Kozy Shack puddings. Love em!

  6. I just tried the Vanilla Bean from my local Whole Foods (US) today. I actually thought it was quite tasty and didn't need anything, even though I do like strong flavors (I had hot sauce on my breakfast potatoes today). It's difficult to get over the gelatinous look and texture though. I can't decide if I'll be able to incorporate chia into my diet on a regular basis. :) This was only my second time eating it - last time I was so grossed out I couldn't continue. But mixing it with coconut milk, vanilla, and cinnamon is genius.

  7. The somewhat under-sweet, bland vanilla flavor I got used to, almost enjoyed, but the texture. Oh my. The only thing I can compare that to is toy slime.

    1. It was like something a smoker coughs up in the morning; slimy lumpy muck!

  8. Adding just a bit of honey to the vanilla bean Chia pod transforms it from bland to yummy!

  9. Can you please let us know how much did you pay for your chia pod?

  10. Earth fare in Ohio carries these tastey lil treats $2.99. I tried the vanilla bean. Personally I really enjoyed it. Grabbed one to try in place of my usual Greek yogurt For the next days lunch. I found it to be a delightful change. I am definitely going to start incorporating these into my diet. I was also a bit taken back by the odd texture at first. But I stirred it up and went about eating it. I'm very glad I did. I will e trying the different flavors very soon.

    1. I love the texture. Like tapioca. You either like texture or you don't . My DH hates texture, but It was like pudding to me.

  11. You can add chia to almost anything and get the benefits. I add a couple of teaspoons to my morning yogurt and it's fantastic.

  12. I added lime juice to the blueberry one, (would probably be good for the mango as well), because I found it to be TOO sweet actually haha. But the lime juice helped tart it up a bit. Love the texture!

  13. I heard about these from a friend in Australia, but I have not seen them in my local grocery stores. My friend said that you can easily make your own:
    3/4 cup of Chia Seeds
    4.5 cups of any type of milk (I used coconut)
    then add sugar/honey, cinnamon,sugar and vanilla to taste. Stir the ingredients together really well, wait 15 minutes, then stir again. Refrigerate. They are ready to eat in about 15 minutes, and you can keep it in your fridge for about a week.
    I just made my first batch last night, and it is pretty tasty - next time, I'll experiment with adding new flavors!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to leave this easy recipe. I'll definitely be giving it a try! I love the idea of adding cinnamon and vanilla :)

  14. I bought the vanilla bean and I couldn't tolerate the texture. The flavor was really bland, and the texture was indescribable, and like no food I'd ever seen. Not creamy like tapioca but almost rubbery and slippery. The seeds themselves were definitely not crunchy, just a bit more densely rubbery. I'll have to try some other form of chia seeds, because they sound amazing.

  15. I saw on the Australian website that 11 Time World Surfing Champion Kelly Slater has partnered with Chia Co and Chia Seeds are a big part of his diet

  16. I've seen these recently at local Grocery Outlet stores. I like chia seeds, so I've tried each of the flavors available: strawberry, coffee, and lemon/date. The strawberry was bland and very forgettable. The lemon/date was full of finely shaved lemon rind - a lemon aficionado might enjoy it, but it was much to strong for my taste. The coffee bean, however... ahhh, the coffee bean was just right and could be my new addiction! It's a nice, balanced coffee flavor with just enough sweetness. I went back to the store and got myself a week's worth. Unfortunately the outlet store's inventory tends to be made up of over-runs, mis-labeled goods, etc., so I suspect they won't be carrying these little cups of chia goodness for very long.

  17. I'm afraid if you think these need sugar or honey added, you should probably try training your tongue to get off sugar! We are so hooked on salt and sugar as flavor, but the actual real food it's masking has flavor of its own if we give it a chance. I'd like to try all the flavors but so far I've only had the vanilla bean. It's mildly flavored, sure, but it already delivers 10g of sugar so I would not add more. Generally I like to eat stuff with either more protein or more fiber in comparison to sugar so that it's justifiable on my diet. This is higher in sugar than either but I like the boost of minerals and the texture is just plain fun to eat :)

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