8 Jul 2013

Milka with TUC and Milka with LU Review

My brother recently went on holiday and brought back these delicious looking Milka bars; Milka with TUC (crackers) and Milka with LU (a buttery biscuit).

Both bars have a very similar look, and it's one that is very effectively presented. There is literally a little cracker or biscuit nestled in every segment of chocolate - on both sides! The Milka with TUC is such a tasty bar. The sweet and creamy Milka chocolate works especially well with the slightly salty TUC crackers. The combination is absolutely irresistible and delicious.

The Milka with LU may look almost identical but instead of a salty cracker, these contain a sweet biscuit. The LU biscuits are crunchy, with a lovely buttery vanilla flavour. Again, it's a fantastic combination with the delicious Milka chocolate. Eating a segment of this bar is similar to enjoying a thickly covered chocolate biscuit!

It's impossible to choose a favourite from these two bars as they are both superb and ones that I would buy again without hesitation.

Grocery Gems Verdict: Milka Tuc & Milka Lu

RATING: 8 out of 10.
Buy them again?: Yes.
Purchased: In Portugal! But they are also available online at Monster Sweets.
Nutrition per 25g: (Tuc) 131 calories (LU) 129 calories.
Price: £1.65p each. 


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